You Nailed It!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies.  You nailed it!
Chocolate Milkshakes.  You nailed it!
Coca-Cola Classic.  You nailed it.
Water.  You nailed it!

During my first few days here you guys have basically shoved these and more treats down my throat and I have been reveling in my gluttony.  Thank you.  You really, how do I say this, well, you nailed it.  You knew exactly how to make me feel welcome.  I know at first I'm not always the most outgoing or personable, so thank you also to everyone who has been just that towards me and again making me feel welcome.

We've spent the first week basically getting acquainted with everyone here and what everyone does - and what Play does.  And how that fits into what Prophet does.  We've been bombarded with information and orientation, and talks about inspirational things, how to get inspired, and what inspires us.  And I can say that I am truly inspired by the pure energy inside of this building and cannot wait to actually get going on some of these projects.  Most of the jitters are gone, and at this point I'm just eager to start actually working and preparing some of the assignments we've been given.  And also to work alongside some of the projects that you (actual employees) are working on.

On Tuesday, Andy asked me to describe Valeria and Ashby.  I replied, "uhhh..."  I didn't know what to say, and not just because I'm bad on my feet.  When Andy asked Ashby the same question, I think she said something like, "Brian doesn't bullshit."  I think this is true.  To be honest, on Tuesday I didn't know either Valeria or Ashby well enough to be able to describe them.  And Ashby was right when she said that I don't bullshit.  I wasn't going to just make some stuff up about them.  I wanted to really get to know them before I made up my mind about who they were.  In just one day, that was impossible, and even after a week it's pretty hard.  But I know that these girls are pretty great.  Already we're meshing like we've been best friends for years.  At least that's how the hairdresser at Tony's viewed us.  Just a couple of best friends getting their haircuts together.  I think that says a lot about us as a team.  So, no, I'm not going to describe Valeria, Ashby, or anyone else here beyond what I know for sure.  All of you are friendly, personable, talkative, deep, insightful, interesting, curious, and excited people.  And I love it.

Ya nailed it.

Brian Swann
VCU Brandcenter / Creative Brand Management / 804-690-7048 /