Our offset umbrella

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We have offset the carbon output of our shipping for the year, firm-wide.

Say what?
We've started small.  Every time you send a package, the carbon dioxide released into our atmosphere from the bus, plane or train it takes to get it from ‘point a’ to ‘point b’ will be covered under our umbrella of offset.  The offset invests in clean energy and efficiency projects such as wind farms, landfill gas captures, and farm power to create verified reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Why have we done this?
One of our biggest assets is how we deliver an experience to our customers - how we chose to interact differently.  Sometimes that will require paper. Lots of paper. Sometimes that requires flying to see them. Lots of flying. As we raise our awareness of sustainability as an aspect of our impact, we need to evolve our interaction to suit our clients and our own criteria of what's exceptional.

What we can learn?
It's about being conscious of how we interact. It's not about never using paper again. We all need to use paper, plastic, electricity, oil. But when we intentionally ask ourselves "Why this?" and can answer with confidence "It's the right resource to create the desired outcome," we are acting responsibly.   

Check out the pdf for more information about what offsets are and what exactly we’ve invested in.