Wednesday, February 11, 2009

"Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it."

Malcolm X

I wholeheartedly concur.  If you want something out of life, you have to reach out and grab hold of it.  Sometimes this can be accomplished by throttling life into submission, but that's not always the best way to fulfill our dreams.


Other times, however, a burst of creativity enables us to realize our dreams.  It's these flashes of imagination, of ingenuity and inspiration, that make us who we are as people.  They also make it possible to help others achieve their own goals through us helping them.  My name is Panayiotis Steele, and I am applying for an internship at Play for this very reason.


Creativity is like a teabagif applied correctly, it energizes and transforms its surroundings into something better.




Anonymous said...

Thank you Panayiotis, I enjoyed this post. Found on Twitter via Debbie Weil via @danschawbel - Brilliant idea; company asks prospective summer interns to write a blog post (some blow it... )

Yours and others got positive mention.