What does it take to have a conversation?

Monday, November 19, 2007

In a recent posting by Lewis Green, founder and managing principal of L&G Business Solutions, he posed the question: Is social web conversation over? What he was talking about was the rising presence of blogs that seems to be resulting in the lack of comments on blogs. That those who read blogs aren't contributing back with comments, and therefore, limiting the conversation. His contention: blogs are only as good as the comments resulting from a posting. So as I post on our blog about his blog, am I really limiting the conversation or just starting another?

Now don't get me wrong, I agree with Green's contention. Conversations are critical. And in today's world of free and unregulated information distribution, it's certainly important to comment on blogs and edit wikis to reflect both alternate perspectives and accurate descriptions. However for many organizations, the conversations still need to begin face-to-face in order engage people.

So let's bring this question inside the firewalls-- what makes a good conversation within an organization? How do we take conversations off the intranet, out of the cubicle and into the hallways, conference rooms, cafeterias or atriums? How do we foster face-to-face conversations that aren't just about weekend plans but about changing what we do or how we do it? In truth, today's business leaders should be empowering their teams to have frank, fierce and powerful conversations. How will you engage your associates in good, contentious, difficult, and hopefully business-changing conversations?

If you'd like to read Green's complete posting, check out: http://www.mpdailyfix.com/2007/11/is_this_the_day_the_conversati.html


IKEOZZ said...

Excellent its blog!!!
Regards from Brazil
