The impact of inspiration

Thursday, June 18, 2009

A few weeks back, Andy, Robert, and Courtney hosted a webinar entitled "The Inspiration Discipline." More than 200 people signed on for the hour-long chat to learn how to use inspiration to drive business growth. Since then, that network of attendees has received a weekly "dose" of inspiration - a fascinating story, a cool hyperlink, a provocative thought-piece - in order to stimulate new thinking and spur innovative action...

So how does five weeks of "strategic inspiration" make you think about the world in a different way?This is what we asked the participants and here is where the conversation begins...


designer said...

Does it really only take 21 days to change a habit?

Mike said...

5 weeks can be less than 5 days or also 5 hours... even more in such a ambitious and relevant purpose!

designer said...
